Diving Underneath the Eiffel Tower

originally uploaded by shangz.

Okay people , here it is , after talking about it for so long , i finally found the time and the laptop to upload my pictures and blog them . Diving underneath the eiffel tower . it feels great to combine 2 of my loves in one . hahaha .. paris and diving . Rocks my socks . Oh , did i mention it was free ?

While i did not go diving in the river seine ( it is as dirty as the singapore river ) , it was just a scuba diving tryout for people who have never dived before in their entire lives and this was just a introductory session for them . Being the cuckoo that i was , i went for it "pretending" that i don't know how to dive , but of course , some things just can't be faked and i mean , i know how to wear a BCD and how to clear my mask and stuff and handle my buoyancy , so after a "test" dive to see if i was i comfortable ( haa ! ) , the instructor asked me , if i had dived before . Hahahaha .. yeah . so i confessed . There was nothing to see other than plastic toy turtles and laminated pictures of fish btw . Point is , i got to dive underneath the eiffel tower :)

After diving underneath the eiffel i got so exciting about it that i got my other friends to go diving the next day . It was a fun day out . Seeing the grin on everyone's face when they finally surfaced made me realise how much i miss diving. It provides a certain thrill that cannot be found elsewhere and it felt good to share the joy of diving with other people who are for once appreciative . ( setting up diving booth and convincing smu students to dive is just bleargh ) Everyone should totally take up diving . Being in the city of paris ( landlocked ! ) , just feels weird , no beach or anything and the nearest dive site is eons away . In singapore it is a lot easier with the islands of malaysia nearby and dive sites at our own backyard , it is surprising that people are so hesitant about the sport .

Can't wait to go back home and dive . Heck , i even miss tioman . OoO . Prata Bomb & Ramlee Burger . Okay , so prata bomb is not a fish . But divers would know what i mean :P

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