Shops that i Love - Taschen

originally uploaded by shangz.

Taschen is an international publisher of beautiful books . Mostly coffee table books featuring a wide range of interest like photography , architecture , art , designs and advertisements .

This particular store in Paris is designed by Philip Starck and the dark wood interior is just beautiful . The books featured in the store are equally stunning and i particularly love the Terry Richardson Book . Though i borders on what would some people call ponography , i shall use a term i learnt in gender studies class and call it pornography chic . I love the raw intensity of his photos . I wonder how much it cost , and even if i do decide to buy it back home to singapore , i bet my parents would be wondering what the hell am i reading these for . haha ..

It's a cool shop to spend the day browsing at their beautiful collection of books and just lose yourself in the beautiful images featured in the publications .

For more information , visit the official taschen website

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