Babel Photo Book

Okay .. i'm going to buy this book before i leave paris . The thing is .. it's kinda heavy because it's a huge ass book . So .. this goes out to all the singaporeans reading this damn blog and i have no idea who because no one ever comments .

If you find this book at a bookshop , check and price and let me know how much it is .. either in Kino , Page One or Borders or wherever . Coz if the price is not much of a difference i'll just buy it back in singapore when i get back instead and i can save on luggage space and buy more ... erm .. clothes and stuff .. let me know . Thanks !

I had a great day today .. woohoo .. the pastries here in Paris are to die for . I had the most delicious lemon merigue pie , macaroon, chocolate tart , creme brulee , brownie and apple crumble today . Sugar high .

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