Music for you

Ever travelled as if you were on amazing race ? Well , i did . Anyway . italy was major fun , and although there is no one million dollars to win , i felt like i was spending one million dollars . I shall share my shopping exploits and the pictures soon . Anyway , being in a completely different country, you are exposed to different kinds of music . Of course you get your typical american hip-hop pop all over the world because i have heard Gwen Stefani's Sweet Escape everywhere i've been to, but sometimes, there is a rare chance that you hear some local music . So i'm going to share some french and italian music which i think is nice .

"Mon Ange" - Nolween Leroy
I first heard this in Singapore when she was performing on TV5Monde , on a programme called acoustic. With my limited knowledge of french , i tried googling what bit of french lyrics i could decipher and viola , i found the song .

"Victoire" - Shy'm
I heard this song first at a bar and the music video of the song was playing on the tv as well. When i saw the mtv the second time on tv like 2 months later, i took down the title of the song . It has a very mainstream R&B feel to it which rocks because it puts me in a dancing mood .

"Ti scatter una foto" - Tiziano Ferro
I heard this in Rome . I heard this song from the household living opposite from my accomodation . Someone was blasting the song from their hi-fi. It had such a nice melody it was stuck in my head and when i got to florence, it was still stuck in my head and when i heard playing at a CD shop, i went to shopkeeper and use my very limited Italian to ask for the title of the song and singer .

A Fleur de Toi - Vitaa
According to my friend, she's actually only 18 years old though when i saw her on the TV she looked like a drag queen. That aside , this is the typical eurotrash song with heavy techno beats but for once , i actually like it . Maybe because it's not overly trashy but it's cool , coz i keep hearing it everywhere .

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