Keeping up with Ms Jolie

Zahara makes an appearance
That's Zahara right there in her arms , Angelina Jolie & Zahara were on their way to the bookstore . God knows what she's going buy in there , but i do hope she's not buying Zahara any books because , well . books are not exactly made for chewing .

An onlooker says, "Angelina and Zahara already look like mother and daughter. It's amazing how quickly they both look comfortable with each other.

"And even though they don't share the same genes, the baby also looks like she'll grow up to be just as beautiful as her mom."

Okay , i've repressed this long enough , and usually don't have anything to say about babies because they pretty much look the same and i don't want to risk sounding like the wicked witch from wherever wicked witches come from , but hell , that is one weird looking baby .

*sidenote : weird is a euphemism for ugly

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