Berries & Biscuits

originally uploaded by shangz.

There are somedays you wake up wanting to eat something sweet and you crave for dessert , these are the days where u wish u can make ur own dessert . Yep . I made this .

Ingredients :
Digestive Biscuits
Plain Yogurt
Starwberries of any kind of fruit .

Crush the digestive biscuits and mix the crushed biscuits with butter and pour into a bowl to form the crust .

Mix Plain Yogurt with Honey and pour the mixture over the crust

Cut strawberries and lay them on top of the mixture

Melt Sugar in water to create sugar syrup . Making sure that it doesn't burn and pour the sugar syrup over the the fruits creating a nice glaze over the dessert.

Leave in freezer for 4 hours and by dinner it'll be ready :)

Enjoy .

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