Moaning Lisa

originally uploaded by shangz.

Here's the mona lisa , and you're NOT allowed to take any pictures within this room but i somehow managed to sneak a shot . :D . The museum staff will run up to you and , i want to say tap you on the shoulder , but i don't think they do that , they'll come up to you .. "yell" undecipherable french in your face @$%#@!**%#@ si'l vous plat , pas photography or something like that . Heard from surekha that the muesuem guides went on strike a couple of weeks back . haha .. taking care of the museum is truly a tough job huh ..

Anyway , there's nothing really fantastic about the mona lisa . it's just the mona lisa , after seeing the image of it everywhere , especially with the recent da vinci code drama , seeing the real thing sorta falls short of all the hype generated .

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