More of Paris

She's a fake !
As if the real Paris isn't fake enough , some imposter has to pretend to be Paris Hilton , confusing us with the original witch bitch .

"We hear the hotel heiress has contacted authorities to stop an impostor who allegedly has been using her name to live the not-so-simple life.

The scam artist is said to look so much like the "House of Wax" mannequin that friends of the real Paris recently told her it was fun seeing her in Saint-Tropez - even before she got there"

See , this is what i don't understand , why would anyone want to pretend to be Paris ? If i ever looked like Paris , i would just stay at home , lamenting over my unfortunate genes , or run off to the plastic surgeons .

" What do you don't like about yourself ? ", , I look like a whore . Do me .. i mean , change me .

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